How digitising a museum or exhibition can improve visitor experience and safety

March 30, 2022

Museums and exhibitions have become increasingly popular in recent years, with visitors expecting a unique and interactive experience. To meet these expectations, museums and exhibition spaces need to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies to create an immersive environment that engages and educates visitors. Technis, a leader in intelligent building solutions, offers a range of applications, including Technis Flow and Technis Behavior, that help museums and exhibitions improve visitor flow and engagement, track visitor behavior and preferences, and optimize resource allocation. With Technis, museums and exhibitions can improve visitor experience, increase engagement and improve overall operational efficiency.

The challenges of this type of physical space

Museums and exhibitions face many challenges when it comes to managing the visitor experience. These include providing an engaging and interactive experience that will keep visitors coming back, ensuring the safety of visitors and exhibits, and optimising the use of resources. Museums and exhibitions must also adapt to changing visitor behaviours and preferences, including the use of technology and mobile devices to enhance the visitor experience. Finally, the need to generate revenue and maximise return on investment is a constant challenge for museums and exhibitions, particularly in the face of increasing competition from other forms of entertainment.

To meet these challenges, museums and exhibitions are increasingly turning to data-driven solutions that provide real-time insights into visitor behaviour, exhibition performance and resource utilisation. By collecting and analysing data on visitor flows, exhibition popularity and other key metrics, museums and exhibitions can optimise the visitor experience, reduce waiting times and congestion, and better allocate resources. In addition, data can help museums and exhibitions make informed decisions about exhibition design, visitor engagement and resource allocation, resulting in increased revenue and visitor satisfaction.

How Technis Spaces is changing the game

Technis offers a comprehensive suite of data-driven solutions to help museums and exhibitions optimise their operations and enhance the visitor experience.

With the Flux and Behaviour applications from Technis, museums can collect and analyse data on visitor behaviour, such as attendance, most popular exhibitions and waiting times. This information can be used to improve the layout of exhibitions, optimise staffing levels and enhance the overall visitor experience.

In addition, Technis' Comfort application ensures visitor comfort by monitoring and optimising temperature, humidity and air quality.

Finally, Technis Energy can help museums reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs by monitoring and optimising their energy consumption. With Technis, museums and exhibitions can achieve their sustainability goals while offering visitors a world-class experience.

  • People counting and tracking: measures the number of visitors, their attendance, the time they spend in the museum or exhibition and their behaviour.
  • Heat mapping: provides a visual representation of visitor flows and the most frequented areas, giving a better understanding of visitor behaviour and preferences.
  • Dwell time: measures the amount of time visitors spend in specific areas or exhibitions, providing a better understanding of visitor engagement and exhibition effectiveness.
  • Conversion rate: measures the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as purchasing a ticket or making a donation, providing valuable information about revenue generation and visitor engagement.
  • Engagement rate: measures the level of visitor engagement with exhibitions and displays, providing insight into exhibition effectiveness and visitor preferences.
  • Average time spent per exhibition: measures the amount of time visitors spend in each exhibition, providing insight into exhibition effectiveness and visitor preferences.
  • Foot traffic: measures the number of people entering and exiting the museum or exhibition, providing insight into visitor behaviour and trends over time.
  • Visitor demographics: provides information on the age, gender, nationality and other characteristics of museum visitors, allowing marketing and programming efforts to be targeted.

  1. Museum access: number of people, throughput, socio-demographic data, historical data to make comparisons and understand seasonality.  Waiting time : Waiting times at ticket desks and average time spent per zone.  Access to the different exhibition halls: Number of people, throughput, socio-demographic data, historical data to understand flows within the museum.Shop: Number of people, average time spent and advanced analysis: customer journey, engagement, conversion rate, capture rate, average basket...          The main benefits  These benefits can help museums and exhibitions improve their operations and create a more attractive and enjoyable experience for visitors.Improved visitor experience: By tracking and analysing visitor behaviour, museums can understand how people move through exhibits and identify areas for improvement to enhance the overall visitor experience.  Increased engagement: Using visitor behaviour data, museums can optimise exhibit layout, signage and interactive exhibits to increase engagement and encourage visitors to spend more time exploring exhibits.Improved security: Technis can also help to improve security by monitoring visitor movements in real time and identifying potential risks or suspicious behaviour.  Better allocation of resources: By analysing visitor traffic and behaviour, museums can optimise staffing levels and allocate resources more effectively, saving time and money.Increased revenue: By analysing visitor behaviour and engagement, museums can identify opportunities to optimise merchandise sales and generate additional revenue streams.  Environmental sustainability: With Technis Energy, museums can monitor and analyse energy consumption and identify areas for improvement, saving money and reducing environmental impact.   ‍